Scroll on!

catzI think I’ve mentioned before that blog posts are like buses: nothing for months, and then three come along all at once – and having noticed that I haven’t written any blog posts for a good six months I feel as if i should give an explanation. It’s not because I’m lazy, neither is it because I haven’t had the time. Quite simply, it’s because I haven’t done anything ‘blogworthy’ for a while.

I’m not complaining. There’s no need to PM me and ask if I’m OK (hun) because my life is dull and unrewarding. Far from it – I’ve enjoyed a beautifully hot summer awash with gin, friends and travel, been on some lovely walks both here and abroad, visited the biggest cavern system in Europe (in Slovenia), and spent some proper quality time with my family in Cornwall and Stafford, but my job has been unremarkable. Not uninteresting, not ‘bad’ – just unremarkable.

I could have blogged about the number of requests I get every day from staff wanting to be enrolled to modules on our VLE, or the drop in sessions I run around lecture capture, the day-to-day instructional design projects I’m working through, the technology strategy I’m writing for the school, the new curricula the School is currently putting forward to various University panels and boards that will be delivered using blended learning and the flipped classroom (hence the lecture capture training sessions)…but none of this is really exciting enough to blog about. And why would anyone be in the least bit interested?

But…and I refer you back to that first sentence…the past few weeks have seen a couple of things happen that I think are worth talking about. So look out for posts in the next week or so around the following:

The Wales Deanery Conference (Sharing Training Excellence in Medical Education) I was invited to speak at, which meant I got to visit the Cardiff City Stadium (rather than just drive past it, as I usually do)

The Festival of Enhancing Learning with Technology (FELT): an event I organised and ‘put on’ for School staff which, if nothing else, gave me the opportunity to buy a Fuzzy Felt kit in order to design the posters

And next week I’m going to Finland as part of an exchange / sharing good practice week, which should warrant a post, even if it is just photos of me at the Moomin Museum in Tampere…so watch this space (though you shouldn’t have to watch for too long…)


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  1. Pingback: Tell ’em about the Honey…Mumford… | Bex Ferriday's Edutechy Wonderland

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